Norwegian Dreamboat. Erlend Øye.

If you’re not in the .01 precent of society that’s 10 steps ahead of pop culture, you won’t mind hearing old news on an artist who’s barely released a thing since 2005. So read on.

Norwegian music God Erlend Øye is most popular for his dorky stance, hip thrusts and wouldn’t-hurt-a-fly lead vocals with dream pop group Whitest Boy Alive. The group’s released just two albums (one in 2006 and one in 2009) but they’ve been enough to catch the attention of cool young folk worldwide. And not surprisingly, given the any occasion, happiness inducing tonalities of all 21 tracks.

But unbeknownst to the 99.09% of us who are a little out of touch, Erlend Øye’s musical life started long before Whitest Boy Alive. His entrance to music was with 3 other Norwegian boys as rock group Skog. They released only one EP that was violin heavy and slightly rock based, but it missed the masses with its Norwegian lyrics.

A few years after Skog’s split, Erlend, along with Skog member and school friend Eirik Glambæk Bøe, formed Kings of Convinience. And this is when the magic started. Erlend’s hypnotising voice got its first shot at centre stage, backed up by hammock worthy, soft strumming instrumentals. Far less electronica than you’ve come to expect from Erlend’s current work. While Kings gained a considerable following in the UK, the rest of us didn’t really cotton on to Erland until Whitest Boy Alive. Silly us.

As far as we’re concerned, Erland Øye could do a Slip Knot collaboration and it would still manage to melt us to the floor. Wherever Erlend’s been and wherever he’s headed, chances are it’s going to be great. Get into his old stuff and keep your ears open for anything new.

Tune in to Erlend’s dreamy voice box here

Photo found here

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